Thursday, 1 October 2020

Would you consider aging a natural process or a disease?


Thank you for the question.

Aging may be a case of actions based on mistaken identity. This could qualify for either category.

What occurs is the immune system detects what it believes to be parasitic activity and takes action. As we age we become home to trillions of additional gut bacteria. There may be some competition for resources as even taking small amounts of extra nutrition really adds-up when trillions are involved.

The intestine begins breaking down specific amino acids known critical to all parasites …to prevent then from obtaining theses. This leaves the body lacking for these amino acids, as well.

The end result is the body stealing from structure to continue living. We all know how this'll end.

To answer the question, I'm yet unsure. I've developed a patent pending method to have these amino acids absorbed. This takes care of preventing physical and functional decline. The bacteria continue to grow. This may be the reason for such a large colon in humans.

I'm just a small lab that refuses federal funding. Donno as of yet.

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