Aging generally begins in most individuals by their mid twenties. Aging is initially triggered by lack of specific amino acids (due to multiple causes.) The body has no formal storage organ for amino acids. The best source the body has to quickly supply them (usually in urgent need, such as infection) is to remove them from existing structures. To our bodies, facial collagen is just another structure.
- Trouble is, the lymphatic system is in charge of acquiring necessary amino acids for 400 lymph nodes. Some of the transfer RNA carriers, such as those supplying amino acids on the behalf of immunity, can be very aggressive. There can be QUITE a range of aggressiveness depending on the relative importance of need. This may become a factor later in life. ALL Damage to cells may make them easier targets for less aggressive, less important transfer RNA carriers. Collagen is a primary store of critical protein components. Damage to collagen is slow to heal because it now can become a source of amino acids for the lesser rank RNA carriers.
- Your friends may just be trying to get ahead of the problem. Loss of collagen is shown as a primary cause of wrinkles. Somehow they've become aware of this, if not all the science behind it.
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