Thursday, 1 October 2020

What in their metabolic process causes African Americans and other individuals to be more susceptible to COVID-19?

 Rory Blake

COVID-19 is readily spread within the wider community. Many who become infected with COVID-19 will have no symptoms. This indicates there may be a nutritional component to this disease. Excellent nutrition status serves to protect these individuals, to prevent their infection from becoming severe. Nutritional shortage can be cured by supplements Those who eventually succumb to this infection must have some nutritional defect.

Older individuals are more susceptible to COVID-19 because of a general lack of protein nutrition. In older individuals, Specific amino acids become scarce while a supply of ALL amino acids is essential to produce any immune components. Older individuals linger with COVID-19 infection because they may produce some antibodies, just not enough to clear the virus.

In Italy, men died from COVID-19 at twice the rate of females. Commonly, post-menopausal Italian women are placed on calcium and Vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, it can be assumed calcium (or Vitamin D) must have something to do with increased survival in this female population.

Actually, calcium is important only because it is given with Vitamin D. Lack of Vitamin D is what allows this virus to be more infective (via the ACE2 pathway.) ARDS or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome develops via the same mechanism. Vitamin D can prevent both infection and ARDS only if there has been no recent bodily shortage. Provision of Vitamin D will not reverse infection nor prevent symptoms once they develop.

Vitamin D must be present in sufficient quality and over long periods to be effective. Those with darker skin and those without sufficient exposure to sunlight may not produce enough Vitamin D to prevent COVID-19 infection. Only long term Vitamin D activity in the body will produce protection.

Oral amino acid supplements given in the hospital should boost metabolism and immune component production in the elderly …but it doesn't. Therefore, a form of parasitic drag must be involved. This should be the mechanism by which aging occurs. This is not simply assumed. A parasitic species that appears to develop within normal gut bacteria has been isolated.

In the process of aging, the body blocks (actually, breaks down) specific amino acids to prevent a parasite further down in the gut from obtaining this nutrition. The body would steal this amino acid from structure (with need) rather than take a risk of the parasite absorbing it.

What has fooled clinicians from the dawn of man is that old people can gain weight. Aging would be a type of (protein only) starvation. Obesity is caused by a named strain of bacterium. Obesity has now been transferred from individual to individual by fecal transplant. This should be considered “absolute” proof. Old bodies therefore, are forced to continue to steal from structure to remain alive. If you wonder why very old individuals appear the way they do, this would be why.

Amino acids given IV may help infected individuals form immune response. Ivermectin could benefit the bodily response against parasites. None of these have had adequate clinical trial. The country could open very soon if everyone begins Vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D tablets are easily cheaper than treatment of skin cancers. This may be all that's necessary to prevent future COVID-19 deaths.

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