Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Pepper - benefits and drawbacks

 Pepper warms up the body

Benefits: Helps with digestion by releasing stomach acid, it leads to better absorption of nurtients of fodds that are taken with pepper, cures cold and cough, boosts immunity, keeps intestine healthy from bad bacteria, virus, and fungi 

Causes weight loss (this is a drawback for those who want to gain weight)

Drawbacks: causes miscarriages, stomach ache, respiratory problems 

The Question,

How does black pepper warm up our body ?

Piperine present in Pepper, along with its isomer chavicine is the reason for warm up of our body once taken in.

Source :

  1. Pepper Black pepper - Wikipedia
  2. Piperine Piperine - Wikipedia
  3. Chavicine Chavicine - Wikipedia

Traditionally, in India, especially in Ayurveda alternative system of medicine, and in Siddha Medicinal system, Black pepper is widely used.

Traditional Yoga practices also recommends, taking of ten Black peppers to generate heat in the body.

In Tamil, we have a famous proverb which roughly in meaning as

“If you have ten peppers, even you can eat at your enemy's house”.

பத்து மிளகு இருந்தால் பகைவன் வீட்டிலும் உண்ணலாம்

More over it's present in the shelves of almost all kitchens of India, they use it as Home remedy for various diseases as well as in daily cooking.

Additional information SouthIndia is known for its quality Black pepper, and it's widely used among people in their day to day eating.



Fresh Ground Black Pepper contains 'Piperine' which helps you absorb more nutrients from your food. It may even double the amount of absorption. So next time you're having a salad or veggies, grind a little on :),Because%20of%20its%20antibacterial%20properties%2C%20pepper%20is%20used%20to%20preserve,acid%20secretion%2C%20thereby%20improving%20digestion.


Is too much of pepper harmful?

Not really an answer, but I am glad I saw this question.

I, too, am a pepperholic. I will typically not “shake” pepper on my food, but will take the top off and gently pour it on my foods… especially salads or eggs.

I have been doing this for about the last 15 years and have had NO ill effects from it. Not even the irritated stomach that someone mentioned.

As for the quantity… I consume about two tablespoons a day and will easily finish off one of those little disposable shakers in a week, sometimes less.

I just LOVE the smell and the flavor…

I also have a great recipe for pepper glazed almonds that I seem to be the only one in the family that likes. HAHA

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