Monday, 8 April 2019

There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon"

There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon"... "We are swimming in an ocean of light. some of us have been resonating this message to the masses for a long time. It is exciting that our time has now come. Too bad Fritz is not here to experience it. Fritz Albert Popp and Dr. JackKruse are brothers from another Mother. This barcode below controls every aspect of your life and none of you are really aware of it or its power to help you. My life's goal is to change that about each and every one of you. #BlackSwanWisdom
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  • Cindy Cicero Perhaps some are aware of the Buildup of Electromagnetic Energy --- Keep up the Good Work Dr. Kruse- we do enjoy for it is the truth...:)
  • David Rieman Now that I am aware of it, how can it help me? Thanks
    • Denise Devoe-Racine Go outside barefoot every morning and meet the sun at sunrise ( cloudy or not) if cold use leather soles moccasins to connect your body to the earth, sit on the earth and allow the light to infuse your body ( skin and eyes). Make outdoors away from technology your main place for being when you do not absolutely have to be with technology. It looks complicated in the picture but it is actually supremely simple. Then watch the magic unfold in your body and mind. Dr Kruse can tell you why, and what is happening in your trillions of cells. I can only tell you how simple it is to do. I trust him and his explanations are highly impressive and scientific.
    • Brian Cunningham Denise Devoe-Racine I know so many people personally, as well as most all of the longest lived populations on earth who never walk barefoot to ground. Morning sun? Perhaps they do all get that would be worth investigating
    • Dayle Cook David Rieman get out in it and keep away from indoor lighting.
    • Denise Devoe-Racine Brian Cunningham What populations are the longest lived that do not connect to the earth? If there is a human in their 90s in this country they most likely grew up playing outside in leather soles shoes. It seems natural to connect to the earth physically, my 96 year old Austrian grand mother was always telling us to go outside and play barefoot in the garden in Austrian summers. Of course this is folk recollection and experiential. Dr Kruse has a lot the scientific reasons this is good for humans. My basic thinking is we are physically made of the substances of the earth, which require sun to flourish so we should live as closely as we can to the system we are part of. Of course in duality there is an opposite to everything, and no one thing can stand alone since we are part of an interconnected system, as is our body vehicles are also a system inter connected to the whole. What a journey!
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  • Heidi Often Awesome
  • Joan Fox Reminds me of a sheet of music- complicated music!!!
  • Pierre Beaudry According to Mr Google, Dr Popp is still Terra firma, he still shines
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  • Daniel Encarnacion What is that barcode?
  • Paul Bryan Are the lava rock pendants any good for blocking emf?

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