Monday, 29 January 2018

Is folic acid disruption the root cause of all cancers?


There were observations that thyroid hormone supplementation leads to cancer. Does this happen because thyroid hormones may be disrupting folic acid absorption by the body?

Is folic acid disruption the root cause of all cancers?

Thyroid hormones may be disrupting folic acid absorption by the body. Similarly, other hormones like Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K - do they deplete folic acid? (May be not, because we know that Vitamin K in ghee, butter is helpful in lot of diseases. Or is it that fat in ghee, butter which is helpful, and not really Vitamin K? Needs more testing.)
Alcohol we know depletes folate levels. Thus it may be leading to cancer.
Smoking may be depleting folate levels.
Viruses and bacteria which cause cancer may causing cancer.


Folic acid is crucial for normal DNA synthesis and repair.

Folate deficiency may cause an imbalance in DNA precursors, uracil misincorporation into DNA, and chromosome breakage.

The paper below discusses epidemiological data supporting the involvement of folic acid in the aetiology of cancer.

It also assesses the evidence from cellular, animal and human studies that folic acid can modulate DNA by such mechanisms.

This is perhaps the highest referenced research paper on this subject.


Susan J Duthie
Division of Micronutrients and Lipid Metabolism, Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK

Folic acid deficiency in humans has been linked with megaloblastic anaemia,
neural tube defects in the neonate, and heart disease. Folate has also been
implicated in the development of cancer, especially cancer of the colorectum.
There appear to be two principal mechanisms through which low folate status
may increase the risk of malignancy. Folate deficiency, by reducing intracellular
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), can alter cytosine methylation in DNA, leading to
inappropriate activation of proto-oncogenes and induction of malignant
transformation. Alternatively, folic acid is crucial for normal DNA synthesis and
repair. Folate deficiency may cause an imbalance in DNA precursors, uracil
misincorporation into DNA, and chromosome breakage. This chapter briefly
describes the epidemiological data supporting the involvement of folic acid in
the aetiology of cancer. It also assesses the evidence from cellular, animal and
human studies that folic acid can modulate DNA by such mechanisms.

Click on the pdf search result in the below google search result

Alcohol causes cancer (by depleting folate)


The below two papers talk about link between alcohol intake and cancer.

The first paper says Alcohol intake tended to be associated inversely with colon cancer, but not with rectal cancer.

The second paper heavy alcohol use and breast cancer has been observed in most studies, even after controlling for known risk factors for breast cancer.

Alcohol has consistently been related to risks of squamous cell carcinomas of the mouth, oral pharynx, larynx, and esophagus in multiple studies of varying design.

My note: From this research paper (, we know that heavy alcohol causes folate deficiency. So, perhaps, heavy alcohol drinking must be causing cancers in those with low folate levels.


Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1993, 171, 153-165

A Case-Control Study of Colorectal Cancer
and Its Relation to Diet, Cigarettes, and
Alcohol Consumption in Saitama Prefecture,


Department of Epidemiology, Saitama Cancer Center
Research Institute, and *Saitama Cancer Center Hospital,
Saitama 362

A Case-Control Study of
Colorectal Cancer and Its Relation to Diet, Cigarettes, and Alcohol Consumption in
Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1993, 171(2), 153-165 A
case-control study of colorectal cancer in relation to dietary, smoking, and drinking
habits was undertaken in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The study was based on 181
newly diagnosed cases of adenocarcinoma of the colorectum at a single institution
and 653 general population controls.

Dietary habits were investigated on the
basis of the intake of 12 foods and 12 food groups in a food intake frequency
questionnaire, together with individual food preferences.

Preference for salty
foods was positively related to the risk of both colon and rectal cancer, and the
consumption of seaweed was inversely related to these cancers, both with a
dose-response relation.

Cigarette smoking was inversely related to colon cancer
risk, but not to rectal cancer risk.

Alcohol intake tended to be associated inversely
with colon cancer, but not with rectal cancer.

In the multiple logistic regression,
preference for salty foods (positively) and the consumption of seaweed (inversely)
were independently related to both colon and rectal cancer risks, alcohol;
case-control study; colorectal cancer; diet; smoking.


David B. Thomas
The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington

This is a review of the epidemiologic literature on alcohol and risks of various cancers.

Alcohol has consistently been related to risks of squamous cell carcinomas of the mouth, oral pharynx, larynx, and esophagus in multiple studies of varying design. 

The joint effects of alcohol and smoking are
greater than additive, and are probably multiplicative, suggesting biological synergism. All major types of alcoholic beverages have been causally implicated in the genesis of these diseases. The influence of alcohol on risks of upper aerodigestive tract cancers may be greater in persons with
marginal nutritional status than in better-nourished individuals. Alcohol also has been associated with an increased risk of adenocarcinomas of the esophagus, gastro-esophageal junction, and gastric cardia, but the relationship is not as strong as for squamous cell esophageal carcinomas.

and tobacco account for over 80% of the squamous carcinomas of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus in the United States.

Risks of cancers of the distal stomach, pancreas, colon, and rectum have not been consistently related to alcohol, although possible relationships between
beer drinking and rectal cancer and between heavy use of alcohol and pancreatic cancer warrant further study.

Studies of alcohol and liver cancer, in which the confounding influence of hepatitis B was considered, have yielded inconsistent results and should be replicated.

An association between
heavy alcohol use and breast cancer has been observed in most studies, even after controlling for known risk factors for breast cancer, and additional investigations of this issue are warranted. - Environ Health Perspect 103(Suppl 8):153-160 (1995)

Folic acid deficiency and cancer: mechanisms of DNA instability


Folic acid is crucial for normal DNA synthesis and repair.

Folate deficiency may cause an imbalance in DNA precursors, uracil misincorporation into DNA, and chromosome breakage.

The paper below discusses epidemiological data supporting the involvement of folic acid in the aetiology of cancer.

It also assesses the evidence from cellular, animal and human studies that folic acid can modulate DNA by such mechanisms.

This is perhaps the highest referenced research paper on this subject.


Susan J Duthie
Division of Micronutrients and Lipid Metabolism, Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK

Folic acid deficiency in humans has been linked with megaloblastic anaemia,
neural tube defects in the neonate, and heart disease. Folate has also been
implicated in the development of cancer, especially cancer of the colorectum.
There appear to be two principal mechanisms through which low folate status
may increase the risk of malignancy. Folate deficiency, by reducing intracellular
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), can alter cytosine methylation in DNA, leading to
inappropriate activation of proto-oncogenes and induction of malignant
transformation. Alternatively, folic acid is crucial for normal DNA synthesis and
repair. Folate deficiency may cause an imbalance in DNA precursors, uracil
misincorporation into DNA, and chromosome breakage. This chapter briefly
describes the epidemiological data supporting the involvement of folic acid in
the aetiology of cancer. It also assesses the evidence from cellular, animal and
human studies that folic acid can modulate DNA by such mechanisms.

Click on the pdf search result in the below google search result

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Effect of red pepper and black pepper on the stomach

Am J Gastroenterol. 1987 Mar;82(3):211-4.

Effect of red pepper and black pepper on the stomach.
Myers BM, Smith JL, Graham DY.

Spices have long been implicated as a cause of gastric mucosal injury. We assessed the effects of red and black pepper on the gastric mucosa using double-blind intragastric administration of test meals containing red pepper (0.1-1.5 g) or black pepper (1.5 g) to healthy human volunteers; aspirin (655 mg) and distilled water were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. 

Serial gastric washes were performed after test meal administration and gastric contents were analyzed for DNA, pepsin, blood, sodium, potassium, parietal cell secretion, and nonparietal cell secretion. 

Both red pepper and black pepper caused significant increases in parietal secretion, pepsin secretion, and potassium loss. 

Gastric cell exfoliation (as reflected in DNA loss into gastric contents) was increased after red or black pepper administration; the increase after red pepper administration was dose dependent. 

Mucosal microbleeding was seen after spice administration and one subject had grossly visible gastric bleeding after both red pepper and black pepper administration. There were no significant differences from control between the test meals, in nonparietal volume, fractional recovery of the gastric secretions, or sodium secretion.

Finally, no spice was significantly different from aspirin in any parameter studied; indeed, aspirin was comparable to the higher doses of pepper. The long-term result of daily pepper ingestion is unknown. Whether spices are detrimental, beneficial (e.g., inducing an adaptive cytoprotective response), or have no significant long-term effect on the gastric mucosa is unknown and deserves further study.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of use of red pepper, black pepper and their mixture powder on performance of broiler chicks. 320 one day old Ross 308 chicks were used in this study. Chicks were fed by basal diet as control, 0.02% red pepper (T1), 0.02% black pepper (T2) and 0.01% red pepper + 0.01 %black pepper
powders (T3). Feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio were determined. At the end of trial 4 chicks form each group were separated and slaughtered. Cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose levels and antibody titer against new castle vaccine were investigated. The result revealed that the inclusion of red and black pepper in broilers diet improved body weight gain, feed intake and conversion ratio. in addition use of red and black pepper depressed the cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose concentration and decreased H/L ratio concentration in broiler's blood plasma (p<0.05). mucosa and sub mucosa diameters of small intestine were significantly increased (p<0.05). 

musclaris (is a thin layer (lamina) of muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, located outside the lamina propria and separating it from the submucosa) and
serosa diameters ( is a smooth tissue membrane consisting of two layers of mesothelium, which secrete serous fluid) were higher in T1, and T3 than control groups. Data from this study showed use of red and black pepper powder on broilers diets cause increase total diameter of small intestine parts (p<0.05).It was concluded that the use of red and black pepper as feed additive at 1% enhanced the overall performance of broiler chicks.

Reversed my stage 4 kidney disease on the ketogenic/GAPS diet

Does anyone think this is correct? I am trying to heal my Kidneys on this diet.
The ketogenic diet has been praised for effective weight loss, but a high-fat, low-carb lifestyle isn’t for everyone.
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Mary Setchell Ruddick I reversed my stage 4 kidney disease on the ketogenic/GAPS diet, and have seen it work over and over again in my practice.
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Wayne Kernodle Hi, thanks. Stage 3 here, 9 months Keto 0 crab, I am eating 3 oz to four one meal. Thanks so much for any ideas you have. I am doing Anderias Kidney cleans also. Thank!
Wayne Kernodle How long did it take you to turn it back, did you use baking soda? I did for a while, now I feel like I don't need it, so I may already be better. Will get blood test soon. zThanks
Phil Escott Rackell and Mary. Thank you so much for that. I have seen anecdotal evidence of this but can never find it when needed.
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Rum was used to make 'stagnant water' drinkable. Brandy was popular before rum


Rum was used to make 'stagnant water' drinkable.

Perhaps, that's why world over since drinking water quality is not that good. People drink alcohol to break the bad effects of stagnant water, hard water, etc.. Example: Vemulavalasa (hard water) and Telangana (fluoride water and hard water).

Also, note that originally, brandy was used to make the water more palatable after being stagnant on long voyages.


Fresh water that was stored over a long period of time would become stagnant, so often something would be added to make it more palatable (this includes beer, brandy, wine, etc.). Effectively, the fresh water supply would be a very watered-down alcoholic beverage.


The rum was also often used to make water safe to drink.

Stagnant water on a ship is a gold mine for all sorts of nasty pests and diseases. Alcohol was a much safer alternative and even children drank it


Sea water is impossible to use as a source of drinking water as the salt counteracts any hydrating effects. Thus, fresh water had to be stored on ships in barrels and refilled whenever they made port. However, stagnant water is bad because it grows all sorts of nasty pathogens and algae. So, they would add rum to it because alcohol extended the life of water and did not spoil as quickly as beer or wine.


Originally, brandy was used to make the water more palatable after being stagnant on long voyages.

Like you noted, rum was much easier to come by in the Caribbean and it replaced brandy. I am unaware of any health benefits or water purification, but the citrus the Royal Navy eventually added to their grog did help prevent scurvy.


After the British Royal Navy captured Jamaica in 1655, they had a good foothold on the rum market (rum being produced in large quantities in the Caribbean). Since brandy was mostly a French commodity, the Royal Navy switched their sailor's rations from brandy to rum.

In the Royal Navy, some sort of citrus (such as lemon or lime juice) was added to the grog in order to mask the stagnant water. In time, this practice earned the Royal Navy the nickname of "limeys." The practice also helped prevent scurvy.


A big part of why they chose rum over beer and brandy is because the french had banned the production of rum in their colonies. This is because it was very cheap and easy to make, and they were worried it would compete with their brandy market. All it really took to make rum was brown sugar, which was mostly a waste product at the time. With the french not using it, the English were able to buy it from them for a very very cheap.

You may check out the book "A History of the World in Six Glasses." One of the drinks he talks about is rum, and it covers some very interesting facts.


Whiskey didn't become a major competitor to rum until after the American Revolution. 

Then, following the Whiskey Rebellion, when distillers found that sweet gem of alcoholism that is Kentucky, our more common corn mash whiskey came into its own. There is a certain bit of irony in this.

Until the creation of the rye plantations, cane sugar was the only viable means to create enough alcohol to appease the market. The British supply of cane sugar was not as good as that of the French or Spanish, so they attempted to boost the profitability of their plantations with the Molasses Act. As with every other act of British Mercantilism, certain elements rebelled against the financial burden and legitimized the act of smuggling.

The irony i mentioned before is just that rye whiskey came about as a result of the British taxes on molasses. Rye whiskey got trounced by corn whiskey because George Washington wanted to reign in the whiskey-as-currency market and establish his own rye operation competitively (or so I think) by enacting federal taxes on whiskey. Instead he just fostered the Kentucky distilling industry. A similar phenomenon to the government helping revive the verysame industry with Prohibition. One of the most fundamental tenets of government has to be that you do not mess with a man's booze.


Thursday, 25 January 2018

Nutmeg - a dangerous spice

Medicinal properties and research

In the 19th century, nutmeg was thought to be an abortifacient, which led to numerous recorded cases of nutmeg poisoning. Although used as a folk treatment for other ailments, nutmeg has no proven medicinal value.

One study showed that the compound macelignan isolated from Myristica fragrans may exert antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans, but this is not a confirmed treatment.

In doses exceeding its use as a seasoning, nutmeg may interact with anxiolytic drugs, produce allergic reactions, cause contact dermatitis, or evoke acute episodes of psychosis.

Psychoactivity and toxicity


In low doses, nutmeg produces no noticeable physiological or neurological response, but in large doses, raw nutmeg has psychoactive effects deriving from anticholinergic-like hallucinogenic mechanisms attributed to myristicin and elemicin. Myristicin, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and psychoactive substance, can induce convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain. For these reasons in some countries, whole or ground nutmeg may have import restrictions except in spice mixtures containing less than 20 percent nutmeg.

Nutmeg poisonings occur by accidental consumption in children and by intentional abuse with other drugs in teenagers. Fatal myristicin poisonings in humans are rare, but three have been reported, including one in an 8-year-old child and another in a 55-year-old adult, with the latter case attributed to a combination with flunitrazepam.

Nutmeg intoxication can vary greatly from person to person, but is often associated with side effects such as excitedness, anxiety, confusion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, redness in eyes, and amnesia. Nutmeg poisoning is also reported to induce hallucinogenic effects, such as visual distortions and paranoia. Although rarely reported, nutmeg overdose can result in death, especially if combined with other drugs. Intoxication takes several hours before maximum effect is experienced. The effects of nutmeg intoxication may last for several days.

Toxicity during pregnancy

Nutmeg was once considered an abortifacient, but may be safe for culinary use during pregnancy. However, it inhibits prostaglandin production and contains hallucinogens that may affect the fetus if consumed in large quantities.

Toxicity to dogs

Nutmeg is highly neurotoxic to dogs and causes seizures, tremors, and nervous system disorders which can be fatal. Nutmeg's rich, spicy scent is attractive to dogs, which can result in a dog ingesting a lethal amount of this spice. Eggnog and other food preparations which contain nutmeg should not be given to dogs.

History of Chillies

The history of chillies is quite recent in most of the world. Only after the year 1500, it spread across the world from South America.

Onions and garlic are toxic to cats, dogs & other animals; cause hemolytic anemia


Onions and garlic contain toxic components that damage red blood cells and provoke hemolytic anemia, perhaps, even in humans (although, the study below mainly talks onions, garlic, shallots, leeks affecting cats, dogs, cattle, water buffaloes, sheep and horses.)



Allium species toxicosis is reported worldwide in several animal species, and the toxic principles present in them causes the transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin, consequently resulting in hemolytic anemia with Heinz body formation.


The genus Allium includes onion, garlic, leek, chives, shallots, and scallions, and was previously classified in the family Alliaceae

Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time. A relatively high dose (600-800 g) in one meal or spread apart over a few days can damage red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia accompanied by the formation of Heinz bodies in erythrocytes.(Hemolytic anemia (HEE-moh-lit-ick uh-NEE-me-uh) is a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed and removed from the bloodstream before their normal lifespan is over.
In general, signs of anemia (pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath, and potential for heart failure) are present.)

(Certain aspects of the medical history can suggest a cause for hemolysis, such as drugs (paracetamol), consumption of fava beans due to Favism, the presence of prosthetic heart valve, or other medical illness.

Domestic species that are more commonly involved in poisoning are onion (Allium cepa), garlic (Allium sativum), leek (Allium porum), and chives (Allium schoenoprasum).

Onions contain toxic components that may damage red blood cells and provoke hemolytic anemia accompanied by the formation of Heinz bodies in erythrocytes of animals such as cattle, water buffaloes, sheep, horses, dogs, and cats.

Heinz bodies can also be found in chronic liver disease.

In veterinary medicine, Heinz bodies are associated with the consumption of paracetamol (acetaminophen), garlic, and onions by cats, dogs, and various primates. Thiosulfate compounds in the flesh of onions have been identified as the cause.

Plant poisoning is not an unusual disease in dogs and cats, since plants are not a common compound of their diet. However, they often cause acute life-threatening conditions and represent an imminent cause of death in those animals.


Allium species contain various organosulfoxides, particularly alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxides, some of which are responsible for their characteristic odor. Plant trauma (e.g. chewing or cutting) converts the organosulfoxides to a complex mixture of sulfur-containing organic compounds that are responsible for the flavor and effects of these plants on animals. Many Allium organosulfur compounds appear to be readily absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and are metabolized to highly reactive oxidants.

Di-propyl-disulfide (H7C3S2C3H7) and allyl propylisulfide (H5C3S2C3H7) have been implicated in onion-induced hemolytic anemia. However, recently, more active oxidizing sulfur-containing compounds have been discovered and proposed as causative agents, either in onion or garlic poisoning episodes. Sodium n-propylthiosulfate, isolated from boiled onions, was proven to cause an increase of Heinz body formation in erythrocytes and subsequent hemolytic anemia in dogs.

Garlic, on the other hand, is considered to be less toxic and safe for dogs than onion when used in moderation


The primary toxicological mechanism of Allium-derived organosulfur compounds is oxidative hemolysis, which occurs when the concentration of oxidants in the erythrocyte exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant metabolic pathways. Catalase antioxidant activity in dog erythrocytes is low, and normal hemoglobin in cats is about two to three times more susceptible to oxidative damage than the hemoglobin in other species (38, 39).

N-propyl disulûde and sodium n-propylthiosulfate are very poisonous organosulfur compounds present in onions. The former may cause a marked decrease in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), whereas the latter can increase the methemoglobin concentration and Heinz body count in erythrocytes, and reduce glutathione concentration in the erythrocyte (30, 40, 41). In erythrocytes, G6PD oxidizes glutathione to a reduced form through the pentose phosphate pathway (39, 42, 43). When the activity of G6PD is decreased, the content of glutathione also drops, leading to increased levels of hydrogen peroxide. It is known that lipid peroxidation can be determined by malondialdehyde formation (44). Consequently, hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde oxidize the sulfhydryl groups of hemoglobin, resulting in the denaturation of hemoglobin (30).

Additionally, oxidation of the exposed β-93 cysteine residues present in hemoglobin results in sulfhemoglobin formation (45). Sulfhemoglobin and denatured hemoglobin are less soluble than normal hemoglobin, so they precipitate, aggregate, and bind to the cell membrane and form Heinz bodies. Other types of oxidation of hemoglobin globin chains result in membrane cross-linking reactions and eccentrocyte formation (46). The formation of Heinz bodies and eccentrocytes increases erythrocyte fragility and extravascular hemolysis, since erythrocytes that contain Heinz bodies are removed from the circulation by the reticuloendothelial system, thus causing anemia. Damaged erythrocytes are removed from circulation, causing hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria (6, 47).

Direct oxidative damage to the erythrocyte cell membrane and its sodium-potassium pump or the oxidative production of hemin also contribute to cell lysis. Oxidation of the heme ion and associated methemoglobinemia result in a left shift of the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve, decreased blood oxygen transportation capacity, and, ultimately, impaired delivery of oxygen to tissues (48, 49).

Thus, the result of the oxidative hemolytic process induced by Allium consumption is the onset of anemia, methemoglobinemia, and impaired oxygen transportation. Although marked Heinz body formation may be present within a day after onions are ingested, the anemic nadir typically develops several days later (49).

Allicin and ajoene, pharmacologically active agents in garlic, are potent cardiac and smooth muscle relaxants, vasodilators, and hypotensive agents (50-52). Also, ajoene and other organosulfur compounds derived from onions are potent antithrombotic agents (53). Thus, hypotensive and antithrombotic properties can exacerbate the physiologic effects of anemia and impaired oxygen transportation. Garlic preparations that have not been aged cause direct damage to the gastric and ileal mucosa, resulting in pain and diarrhea (54).


Allium toxicosis commonly occurs after ingestion. In addition to consuming fresh plant material, juice, fresh and dietary supplements, powdered cooking preparations, dehydrated material, or food preparations derived from or containing Allium species can be potentially toxic to dogs and cats (37, 49). This type of toxicosis is typically caused by consumption of a single large quantity of plant material or repeated small amounts. Dogs and cats are highly susceptible to onion toxicosis, consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions for cats or 15 to 30 g/kg for dogs resulted in clinically important hematologic changes. Onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time (49). A relatively high dose (600-800 g) in one meal or spread apart over a few days can damage red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia accompanied by the formation of Heinz bodies in erythrocytes (37).

Dogs with hereditary high erythrocyte reduced glutathione and circulating potassium level are more susceptible to the hematologic effects of onions (36, 55). This trait is relatively common in Japanese breeds, such as Akita inu and Shiba inu. Other inborn errors in metabolism or nutritional deficiencies that result in decreased erythrocyte antioxidant defenses, such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency or zinc deficiency, could increase an animal's susceptibility to Allium toxicosis (56).

The oral administration of 500 μmol per kilogram of body weight of sodium n-propylthiosulfate to dogs results in hemolytic anemia associated with increased Heinz body formation in erythrocytes, which is more severe in dogs with the hereditary condition, which, in turns, results in erythrocytes with high concentrations of reduced glutathione and potassium than in normal dogs. In affected dogs there is a ten-fold increase in the concentration of oxidized glutathione in their erythrocytes 12 hours after the administration of the compound, whereas in normal dogs there is almost no change (36).

Humans are the most resistant species studied. On the other hand, there is some concern about the susceptibility of certain ethnic groups that have a genetic deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Although dogs appear to be one of the most susceptible species, there are a few reports in the literature concerning accidental canine poisoning associated with onion ingestion.

Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Since baby food is often offered to sick animals that are not eating (to stimulate their appetite), there is some concern that the onion powder would cause a Heinz body anemia in these cats (57). Several baby food manufacturers add onions or onion powder to increase palatability.

It is generally accepted that sheep, goats, rats and mice are more resistant to onion toxicosis than other domestic animals (27, 48). The safety of feeding onions to livestock depends upon animal susceptibility and the toxic potential of the plant species. Sheep can be maintained on diets of up to 50% onions with no clinical abnormalities or detrimental effects on growth. Even when onions are fed free choice, sheep have only transient hemoglobinuria and anemia, with few deaths reported. In contrast, cattle should be fed onions with caution, due to the relative susceptibility of their erythrocytes to oxidative damage. Daily feeding of onions could have a cumulative effect due to ongoing formation of Heinz bodies versus a single exposure with a wide gap until the next exposure, allowing the bone marrow to regenerate the prematurely destroyed red cells (37).

Concurrent treatment with xenobiotics, drugs, or dietary factors that induce erythrocyte oxidative injury (e.g. propofol, propylene glycol, dl-methionine, sulfonamides, sulfapyridine, large doses of vitamin K3, benzocaine) or diminish erythrocyte oxidative defenses (e.g. acetaminophen) is likely to increase an animal's susceptibility to Allium species toxicosis (49).


In dogs and cats, clinical signs of Allium species toxicosis may appear within one day of consumption if large amounts of material have been ingested. However, it is more common the development of clinical signs after a lag of several days (49). The first signs are usually of gastroenteritis: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, depression and dehydration. It will take a few days for the dog to display the signs associated with the loss of red blood cells: pale mucous membranes, rapid respiratory rate, difficulty to breathe, lethargy, dark colored urine (reddish or brown), jaundice, weakness, and rapid heart rate (37). Depression, hemosiderin in urine, exercise intolerance and cold sensitivity may also be observed (49). In cases of recent ingestion, the breath of the affected dog or cat may smell like onions or garlic (16).


Clinical pathology findings are consistent with intravascular and extravascular hemolysis, anemia, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria associated with hemoglobin casts in urine and hemosiderin, hyperbilirubinemia, methemoglobinemia, and, if the animal survives long enough, an accompanying regenerative response (49). Hematologic tests may reveal neutrophilia, lymphopenia, Heinz-body anemia and methemoglobinamia (37).

Heinz body formation, eccentrocytosis, and a decrease in erythrocyte glutathione levels can also be detected. Additionally, eccentrocytosis appear to be one of the major diagnostic features of garlic-induced hemolysis in dogs (20, 46).


Necropsy and histological findings typically indicate hemolytic anemia. Because of the lag of several days between ingestion and the development of clinical signs, gastrointestinal erosion or Allium in the gut content may not be seen (49). Necropsy findings basically consists of splenomegaly due to hemosiderosis and increased hemocatheresis, and jaundice due to the hemolytic anemia provoked, in turn, by extravascular hemolysis (19, 58, 59).

Histopathologic findings, although consistent with hemolytic anemia, are not specific for Allium toxicosis and may include deposition of hemosiderin in the phagocytic cells of the liver, spleen, and renal tubular epithelium; renal tubular pigment necrosis; and nephrotubular casts and hemoglobin casts in the renal tubules (58, 59).


Heinz bodies comprise an uncommon finding in dogs that can only be induced by a few other toxicoses, such as methilen blue, acetaminophen, benzocaine, vitamin K3, zinc and phenylhidrazine (32, 60, 61). In such cases, Allium toxicosis should always be included in the differential diagnosis (34).

Common feline disorders associated with Heinz body formation include diabetes mellitus, particularly if ketoacidosis is present; hepatic lipidosis, hyperthyroidism; and neoplasms such as lymphoma (49). Jaundice-causing infections such as babesiosis and leptospirosis should also be included in the differentials. Additionally, post-hepatic obstructions should also be speculated due to its jaundice-causing effects.


No specific antidote is available for Allium toxicosis; however, supportive care may be helpful including hospitalization, administration of intravenous fluids and blood transfusions. Treatment is indicated after ingestion of any quantity (37). Several therapeutic approaches have been suggested to treat onion-poisoned animals, including gastrointestinal decontamination, administration of antioxidant vitamins (C and E) (in dogs, ascorbic acid - 30 mg/kg of body weight intravenously, each 6 to 8 hours) or N-acetyl-cysteine, and intravenous fluid therapy or blood transfusions, but none has proven really effective (31, 34, 62). Nevertheless, even taking into account that lethal effects are infrequent in dogs, avoiding animal exposure to any kind of onion seems to be the best preventive health strategy (15, 31, 34).

Induction of emesis (e.g. apomorphine 0.08 mg/kg intramuscularly or subcutaneously, or 3% hydrogen peroxidase 2 mL/kg, no more than 45 mL) can be valuable in asymptomatic dogs and cats that showed no complicating factors one or two hours after the ingestion. Administration of activated charcoal (1 to 4 g/kg per oral) is indicated after emesis. In severely affected animals, a blood transfusion and supplemental oxygen therapy may be required. Administration of intravenous crystalloids is indicated if extensive vomiting and diarrhea occurred or if hemoglobinuria or hypotension is evident (49).


The ingestion of Allium species by various animals may lead to toxicosis; however, dogs and cats deserve special attention since they are most susceptible. Allium toxicosis is typically diagnosed through a combination of history, clinical signs, and microscopic confirmation of a Heinz body-type hemolytic anemia that if is quickly performed can allow veterinarians to give a support treatment in order to avoid animal death. It is important to carefully monitor the erythron of affected animals for several days after ingestion since it is when the anemic nadir usually occurs. Antioxidants - such as sodium ascorbate, vitamin E, and acetylcysteine - have minimal protective effects on onion powder toxicosis in cats (62). Diets with low potential oxidants are recommended; semimoist food that contains propylene glycol should be avoided, particularly for cats (63).

Additionally, it is also important to educate pet owners to not feed their animals with Allium-containg food and not to store Allium in places accessible to their pets; these measures may lead, in long term, to a better control of this particular life-threatening toxicosis.


Wild and domestic Allium species have been used as ingredients in many dishes and with ethnomedical purposes for many years. This plant is rich in two chemical groups that are thought to provide benefits to human health: flavonoids and alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxides. Apart from its culinary uses (fresh, cooked or dehydrated), medicinal properties have been attributed it since ancient times, prompting in recent years an accurate chemical analysis of its most characteristic active components. Compounds from onions have a range of health benefits such as anticarcinogenic, antiplatelet, antithrombotic, antiasthmatic, antidiabetic, fibrinolytic and hypocholesterolemic properties, and other various biological actions including antibiotic effects.