Monday, 16 January 2017

Cancer due to eating something is extremely low, 0.0000001% increase in probability

submitted  by xnosonx

[–]Gasaraki 7 points  
It's not contamination. The palm oil when cooked at high temperatures (like Nutella does) causes a carcinogen to form.

[–]Nulono 2 points  
Is this the kind of "causes cancer" that's a 0.0000001% increase in probability?
[–]DizzyedUpGirl 2 points  
I think so. It's probably more than that though.
[–]straystring 2 points  
Maybe 0.0000002%, but still statitsically extremely low. And probably not the root cause. A cancer has to be forming for around 2-3 years before it's even detectable (so the nutella you ate last week was probably not the cause of your cancer, as some patients have claimed to some of us) - the number of immune-system failsafes that have to go wrong for a cancer to form is pretty high, and other than the big ones like smoking, radiation (note: not 1 x-ray), and UV, most of the things that people think 'cause' cancer are nothing more than statistical possibilities based on population characteristics (since it would be unethical to GIVE people cancer to prove a link) - the biggest cause of cancer is living longer

[–]Br0metheus 91 points  
Jesus Christ, not another one of these "omg carcinogens" scares. Even if glycidl fatty acid esters are "probably carcinogenic," the dose makes the poison.
I'll say it again for anybody reading this: the dose makes the poison. Literally any substance on Earth will be dangerous for your health if you consume enough of it; the question is "how much is 'enough'?"
As far as I can tell, nobody has established that these compounds are present in anything close to hazardous levels, based on typical rates of human consumption. By the time you ate enough Nutella to significantly increase your risk of cancer, you'd probably already be dead from diabetes from all the sugar it contains.

]oskaraskov 8 points  

Glycidol has been classified as "probably carcinogenic to humans" by various scientific organisations such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the German Commission of the Senate on Maximum Allowance Concentrations (MAK-Kommission).

[–]05fxdwg 7 points  
They say during the prep of the palm oil when it's heated past 200° Fahrenheit that the byproduct is a carcinogen. The Nutella company has fired back saying they have been aware of this and that they do not heat the palm oil past 200

[–]dopelikkit 1 point  
Some of the fats in palm oil can chemically turn into another type of fat called a GE that has been labeled carcinogenic and genotoxic.
The GE is formed if the temperature of the oil surpasses 393º. Nutella contains GE. There is no "known safe concentration" for human consumption is where the hype originates. 

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