Godugdha (Cow Milk) Ayurvedic View
According Charak Acharya Godugdha is
Madhura (Sweet) in taste,
Sheeta Virya (Cold) in potency,
Mrudu (Softening the Cells/tissues),
Snigdha (Demulcent),
Bahala (Thick),
Shlakshna (Smooth),
Picchila (Sticky in nature),
Guru (Heavy),
Manda (Dull),
Prasanna (Causes enthusiasm).
Acts as Rasayana (Vitalizer),
Oja Vruddhi (Increases essence of all the seven Dhatus; Rasa-Rakta-Mamsa-Meda-Asthi-Majja-Shukra).
It is best among the Jivaniya Padarthas (Life enhancing/promoting Substance)4.
According to Sushrut
Acharya Cow milk is Alpa Abhishyandikaraka (Not much causes the blockage of the channels), Snigdha (Demulcent),
Guru (Heavy),
Rasayana (Tissue vitalize),
Sheeta (Cold) in potency,
Madhura (Sweet) in taste,
Madhura Vipaka (Sweet) at the end of the digestion),
Jeevaniya (Sustains life),
Vata-Pitta Nashaka (Subsides Vata and Pitta Doshas)
Godugdha (Cow milk) Gun Karma
Ras- Madhur, Gun-Guru, Snigdha, Virya- Sheet,
Vipak- Madhur
According to Vagbhat Acharya Godugdha is
Jivaniya (Life promoting),
Rasayana (Vitality enhancer),
Kshataksheena Hita (Useful in injury and emaciation),
Medhya (Brain tonic),
Balya (As a Tonic),
Stanyakara (Induces breast milk),
Sara (Laxative),
Cures Shrama (Lethargy and exhaustion),
Bhrama (Confusion),
Mada (Intoxication,
Shwasa (Dyspnoea),
Kasa (Cough),
Atitrishna (Excess thirst),
Kshudha (Excess appetite),
Jeerna Jwara (Chronic fever),
Mutrakrichra (Dysuria),
Raktapitta (Haemorrhage)6
. According to Raj Nighantu
Godugdha is Pathya (Can be taken in all diseases),
Ruchikaraka (Taste promoter),
Swadista (Tasty),
Snigdha (Demulcent),
Pitta and Vata Vikara Nashaka (Subsides Vata and Pittaja diseases),
Kantiprada (Improves complexion), Prajna (Improves knowledge),
Buddhi (Improves memory),
Medha (Helps to sustain memories),
Angapusthiprada (Gives strength to the body ),
Virya Vriddhikara(Increases semen)7
Colour of Cow with Therapeutic Properties
The Milk of black cow is more potent and subsides Vata Dosha,
the yellow cow milk pacifies Pitta, andVata Doshas, and
the white cow milk is Guru (Heavy),
and the red colour cow’s milk pacifies Vata Dosha.
The cow milk from Jangala Pradesha (Jungle region) is Guru (Heavy), Sneha (Fatty)
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