Thursday, 1 October 2020

the lymph circulation delivers these bacterial produced components from the intestine to the lymph nodes where they are converted to active molecules.


Per Microbolics, many believe in Darwin’s Theory because they do not yet understand how the microbiome interacts with the lymph system.

Microbolics is the study of microbiome metabolism.

Most can understand that the microbiome helps us to digest food. However, It also produces chemical intermediates and the precursors to neural hormones, transmitters and peptides. In fact, The difference in these starting products are what results in species differentiation.

The reason humans are more advanced as a species is due to the thousands more types of gut bacteria that make up our gut microbiome.

Koko the gorilla had command of language and could sign over 5000 words …but could not speak. The human microbiome (and some in birds) is what produces the precursors for speech mechanics.

One often hears of having a gut feeling. Neurotransmitters are begun in the gut. “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors” are an effective class of antidepressant. It is currently unknown exactly how SSRI antidepressants work. However, 95% of the bodies serotonin occurs in the gut. You figure!

Ultimately, the lymph circulation delivers these bacterial produced components from the intestine to the lymph nodes where they are converted to active molecules. Humans have 400 lymph nodes for a reason. This number is not to provide better drainage but to prioritize distribution of components.

I'm not running a school here, just answering a specific question.. You can look up microbolics, yourselves.

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