Thursday, 7 March 2019

Chronological Order of Vaccinations in Denmark

For those against vaccination what are your opinions on this study?
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Experts hope new study will help inform 'fact-resistant world'
  • Linton Jesse Norrish That study is flawed from the start.
    It has not reviewed any vaccine schedules of the samples.
    The only difference in sample groups was MMR vs no MMR.

    In Denmark there are numerous vaccines prior to MMR in the schedule.

    Chronological Order of Vaccinations in Denmark
    (Approximate as several of these have multiple injections in the schedule)
    Haemophilus Influenzae type B
    Hepatitis B
    Measles Mumps Rubella

    Also it is interesting that Denmark was used for this pharma funded and thus controlled study.
    It would therefore also be necessary to see what differences there are with vaccinations in Denmark and other countries.

    There are no other factors considered such as toxin half life clearance rates like Mercury, which have a huge individual variability.

    Our bodies are very multifaceted and variable. Nobody with a vaccination scepticism with an iota of intelligence is going to say that MMR is the exclusive cause of any possible MMR linked vaccination disorders. They know that there are other factors that are compounding. Any one alone is highly unlikely to cause autism or another disorder such as autoimmune diseases. Thus there cannot be a useful study that does not look at multiple factors. It is unscientific to not consider other variables in a study and mitigate for them as much as possible.

    This is similar to the SDA study that "proved" red meat is carcinogenic. They did not factor in other differences between the groups, such as both groups were "supposed" to be vegetarian, being SDA, so if someone is going to be "bad" and eat meat, are they also likely to be "bad" and smoke, and drink excessively, not be interested in their health, be hedonistic etc etc?

    Furthermore, if a parent has a child that starts to develop Autism symptoms prior to MMR vaccine, they will most likely err on the side of caution for further vaccinations such as MMR, thus excluding them. They may have had other factors making them more susceptible to toxins such as lower clearance rates, mitochondrial disorders etc. There was not even a question on the study along the lines of "Does the child who was vaccinated/not vaccinated already exhibit any autism like symptoms? poor health? etc", so that such a sampling could have the opportunity for statistical exclusion.

    This has significant potential to skew the study results.

    When I see huge dollars put into poorly constructed studies it is immediately a huge red flag for me.
    I see this regularly with studies on Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW).
  • Ashlee Antonio Woodshack There's no need to over complicate things with a study. All anybody has to do is look into the ingredients to the vaccine and ask themselves "is this a magic potion that protects me or is it a poison?". Common sense will tell you it's poison it doesn't even need a study. The ingredients are absolutely disgusting
David Isham you can download the 10,000 documents from the CDC study that showed a 700% increase in Autism due to the MMR vaccine.
Download The CDC Autism/MMR Files Released By Dr. William Thompson - Vaxxed
Download The CDC Autism/MMR Files Released By Dr. William Thompson -…
Download The CDC Autism/MMR Files Released By Dr. William Thompson - Vaxxed

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