Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Dates are sattvic and Ojas promoting - good for brain

What are dates? 

Dates are the fruit of the Date Palm. They are believed to have originated from the Middle East but are now widely cultivated in warm climates around the world. There are more than a hundred varieties of dates but the most common is Deglet noor. One of the most highly prized (and expensive) varieties is Medjool dates from Morocco - they are very large, very sweet and very succulent!

What are their qualities?  

From an Ayurvedic perspective, dates have the following qualities... 

Rasa: Sweet
Virya: Cooling 
Vipaka: Sweet 
Qualities: Heavy, Energizing
Actions on the doshas: Balance Vata & Pitta, increase Kapha in excess
Action on the mind: Sattvic
Special quality: nourish Ojas

What are their medicinal qualities? 

In Ayurveda dates are considered a ‘superfood’ because they are both Sattvic (promote peace in the mind) and directly nourish Ojas (the essence of our immune system). They are considered a nutritive tonic for the body - energising for the tissues and immune system. But they are also considered heavy and difficult to digest so eating just 1 or 2 a day is more than sufficient, otherwise they may overtax your Agni. Dates are often used as medicine in depleted plasma tissue (rasa dhatu) conditions and are also used as a tonic in the case of lung (pranavaha srota) problems. They are also useful in the case of low libido or infertility, helping to nourish and invigorate sexual reproductive tissues (shukra dhatu).

The Western viewpoint. 

Dates are very high in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and also dietary fibre. On the mineral front, they are rich in selenium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese and copper. Interestingly, selenium is a trace mineral that plays an important role in antioxidant activity, thyroid and immune system function as well as sperm production.

In terms of vitamins, dates are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, the B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and also folate. But, they are also high in sugar (especially fructose) so again, should only be eaten in small amounts.

How do you eat them? 

We mainly eat dates in date and coconut balls (see video on the right!) but also as part of a daily energy shake or sometimes used as a sweetener in baking.

Why do I love them? 

To tell you the truth, I don’t actually like dates on their own. I find them incredibly rich and a bit heavy. But, I do love them mixed or cooked with other foods, particularly in Stephen’s date and coconut balls! Then I love them because they are so sweet and nourishing. They make me feel grounded and strong.

Should anyone avoid eating them? 

People with Kapha constitutions or imbalances shouldn’t overdo the dates. In fact, no-one should overdo dates because they are very rich, heavy and difficult to digest. They should be thought of as a tonic, a densely nutritional sweet... not something you should eat huge amounts of daily.

Where do you get them from? 

You can get normal pitted dates from all supermarkets. If you’re after organic dates or medjool dates, try your local wholefood store instead.

Oil pulling

After getting over a rather tenacious chest infection in the new year (probably thanks to a mild black mold infestation in the vicinity of our bedroom), I then noticed some nasty post-viral symptoms...

I had an incredibly achy jaw, referring headaches, sore teeth (kind of like one big tooth ache) as well as sensitive, ‘peeling’ gums that were too painful to brush and a few mouth ulcers. Like I said... nasty.

I decided to finally give ‘oil pulling’ a go, knowing that it might help with these symptoms. So, I have been dutifully swishing warm oil around in my mouth for about 5-10 minutes in the shower each morning after brushing my teeth, until it forms an emulsion, and then spitting it out and rinsing my mouth out again with warm water.

After just a few days of doing this, every single one of the symptoms has cleared up! The jaw, tooth and referring head aches went after one day while the sensitive gums and mouth ulcers completely settled down and returned to normal within about 3 days. What a relief!! I’m so utterly impressed that I’ve continued with the practice each morning and think I’ll do it forever!

Oil pulling with either cold pressed black sesame oil or ghee is an excellent addition to your Ayurvedic daily routine because it helps to pacify aggravated Vata in the head and neck region and the sense organs of the head, particularly the ears, eyes and mouth... It also helps to facilitate the expulsion of toxins from this area....and strengthens and whitens the teeth!

Sunday, 10 February 2019


Ragi is one of the staple grains in Karnataka and 53% of production in India comes from Karnataka.

"Being born and brought up in Karnataka, these red millet are included in our breakfast, lunch, and dinner." (my note: perhaps, this is why Karnataka people are intellectual strong and also physically strong relative to coastal Andhra people. Tamilians must be getting their strength from parboiled rice. Whereas coastal Andhra people eating polished rice must be weak in mind and body.)

Sprouted ragi flour

The making of ragi mudde