Sunday, 25 February 2018

Cooking Rice - traditional method of using water to boil rice and discarding the water

The video shows traditional method of cooking rice. Rice is washed with water. Then, washed rice is added to boiling water. After the rice is cooked (i.e. not too soft. just enough soft that when pressed with fingers, the rice gets pressed).


Selva C
6 months ago
Thank you mam. Nice explanation as usual.  Just want to add one point for everyone's benefit. The real reason behind to go with the approach is to have sufficient quantity of water in rice compared to cooker. As per siddha/ayuerveda, lack of water in rice/dhal or any grain will lead to vata(air) imbalance in body. This is the reason rice cooked in pressure cooker goes dry easily compared to this method and same happens inside the body when we consume. This is the finest approach to cook any grain or dhal. Thank you


Nagalaxmi Visveswaran
3 months ago
White rice has no calories but also has no fiber,no vitamin-B ,minerals all get removed in husk form by refining process so we anything out of it .empty calories,it makes you eat more rice ,but brown rice or red rice  are rich in fiber and everything that body needs,it won't make you eat more ,because they unpolished rice even it get rancid very quickly than white rice because even worms like brown rice ,😂,😱😥😏😒😳🙏


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