Tuesday 13 June 2017

Diabetes history in India - excellent paper

Diabetes History in India 

1975 - 2%
1990 - 3%
2017 - 9%

My note: What has changed in these 40 years in India?

Milk - There was a white revolution. People started having more milk and milk products. In my childhood, very few had access to milk or milk products. Only the rich had access. Now, almost eveyone has access to milk and milk products.

Fruits - Fruit consumption has gone up drastically over these years.

Vegetable oils - Oil consumption has gone up drastically over these years.

Vegetable - consumption has gone up.

Cereals - Rice consumption has gone up drastically. Earlier, people ate little rice and millets like jowar, bajra, etc.,


States with most diabetes

Puducherry - 19%
Tamil Nadu - 18%
Kerala - 15%

Chandigarh - 12%
Tripura - 11%
Karnataka - 11%
West Bengal - 11%
Andhra Pradesh - 11%

My Note: Most of the states are rice eating states. The top 3 states eat boiled rice (?). Also, all are economically developed states. Only exception is Tripura.

States with least diabetes 

Rajasthan - 4%
Arunachal Pradesh - 4%
UP - 4%
Meghalaya - 4%
Jarkhand - 4%
Himachal Pradesh - 4%
Odisha - 4%

Madhya Pradesh - 3%
Bihar - 2.6%

Image result for diabetes map of india

My note: Most of the states with least diabetes are wheat-product eating states. Exception is Odisha. Many of these states are poor and economically under-developed - Bihar, MP, UP, Odisha, Rajasthan.


So, combining insights from the above two sections i.e. History of diabetes and States with most/least diabetes, we could infer the following:

As people become economically well-off, they are consuming products which they were not consuming earlier. Consumption of these new products could be leading to increase in diabetes.

But what is that product?
My hypothesis is it could be mostly milk products. (My grand mother had diabetes in 19980-90s, she consumed lot of milk. She did not consume much fruits. Perhaps, not much vegetable oil also. She was lean and did lot of work. My bet is that it is lactose intolerance which expresses itself as diabetes eventually.)
My second vote is for fruits.
My third vote is for vegetable oils.


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