By Dr. Josh Axe
Are you doing everything right when it comes to your diet and still not getting the results you want?
Maybe you already:
Eat veggie-packed omelets instead of cereals and grains
Choose water over sugary drinks
Cook your own meals rather than order takeout
But no matter how much you try, does it ever feels like your metabolism has slowed to a screeching halt?
It’s frustrating and discouraging. But not all hope is lost. If your dieting results have plateaued, you may only be a few tweaks away from a breakthrough.
Today, I’ll show you the top 5 metabolism ignition foods. These foods and drink can help you burn fat, shed unwanted pounds and end food cravings. And they can work wonders for your results even if you’ve tried other diets before (with less-than-stellar results).
Metabolism Ignition Foods
Here are 5 powerful foods that can light your metabolism on fire. I call these the metabolism igniters. Add these key foods to an already balanced diet to see the fastest results.
1) Coconut Oil
Contrary to popular wisdom, eating fat is NOT what makes you fat.
The truth is consuming too much sugar is the fastest way to pack on the pounds and slow down your metabolism.
On the other hand, fats — like coconut oil — can actually help you lose weight, shed body fat and keep your thyroid running smoothly. How? Well, this benefit comes from coconut oil’s high concentration of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs).
Whereas most of the fats we consume take a long time to digest, only need 3 steps to be turned into fuel. That’s versus a 26 step process that other fats that go through!
Unlike harder-to-digest, long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) found in plant based oils (think canola and vegetable oils), MCFAs are:
Easier to digest
Not readily stored as fat
Smaller in size, allowing easier cell permeability for immediate energy
Processed by the liver, which means that they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat
Because coconut oil is rich in this healthy form of fat, it truly is one of the healthiest, most natural oils you can consume. That’s why I recommend swapping out vegetable oils for coconut oil in your cooking. It’s an easy way to add another fat-burning food to your diet. This is a true case where all fats equal are not created equal
2) Grapefruit
Have you ever wondered why celebrities and fitness pros love eating grapefruit for breakfast?
I’ll give you a hint: it’s not just because they love the citrus-y taste. Instead, it’s because grapefruit is famous for its natural ability to support metabolism health and promote healthy digestion. The enzymes in the fruit help your body break down sugar and boost your metabolism. For these reasons, it can be a great dietary tool to help you drop those last few pounds.
The best part: getting enough grapefruit has never been easier. Simply add a slice to your breakfast or squeeze a few drops into a glass of water or smoothie for amazing benefits to your health.
Or if you prefer, you can try smelling grapefruit essential oil.
The refreshing and cleansing smell can be a potent pick-me-up and metabolism supporter.
3) Bone Broth
I believe bone broth is the number one healing food of all time. It’s my go-to food for supporting:
Healthy digestion
Healthier skin, hair and nails
Lean muscle tissue
And most importantly, metabolism health
There’s truly nothing more powerful and nourishing than this ancient superfood.
But what is it that makes bone broth so powerful?
Bone broth is rich in the key amino acids proline, glutamine and arginine. These amino acids can help seal openings in the gut lining, support metabolism health and are great for promoting detoxification of your whole body.
Although our ancestors didn't have the medical studies we now have to prove the benefits of bone broth, they did recognize bone broth and its amazing health benefits early on.
For as long as humans have been cooking food over fire, bone broth—the simmering stock of bones from fish, beef, chicken, turkey and other animals that are typically discarded—has been a daily part of life, celebrated by cultures around the world.
You, too, can reap the amazing health benefits of this ancient superfood. Try my brand new bone broth protein powder for a quick and easy way of getting this amazing fat-burning and healing food into your diet.
4) Apple Cider Vinegar
Deep inside your pantry, you may already have the key to losing weight and reducing sugar cravings.
No, I’m not talking about canned vegetables or beans. I’m talking about another pantry staple: apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is one of my top natural remedies. I use it every single day to support:
Healthy digestion
And, in some cases, just to get a quick burst of energy
Ingesting it before a meal can help you feel full longer with less food. That combination of feeling full longer and greater digestion can have tremendous benefits to your metabolism and weight loss efforts.
And that’s not all. It also works as a natural remedy for balancing your stomach’s pH levels. For this reason it’s one of the key ingredients in my Secret Detox Drink.
Bottoms up! With apple cider vinegar on your side, you can cleanse, detox, and enjoy these tremendous benefits to your health and weight.
5) Turmeric
At first glance, turmeric may seem out of place. “What’s this peppery, warm spice have to do with my metabolism?” Let me show you.
For starters, turmeric has a high antioxidant capacity. That makes it a potent immune system booster. Studies also show that turmeric can help remove free radicals from your body. This prevents cellular damage and promotes a healthy immune system. In fact, I believe it’s the number one healing herb of all time.
But more than just healing, other scientific evidence is showing that turmeric may help you burn fat.
Well, it starts in your central nervous system with thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis is how your body gives off heat and maintains your body temperature. Interestingly, the molecules in turmeric can bind to capsaicin receptors in the body and help increase your thermogenesis rate. In other words, consuming turmeric is like pouring jet fuel on your metabolic rate.
Speaking of fat burning, turmeric also enhances detoxification of the liver. When the liver—one of the body’s most important fat-burning organs—is overburdened and flooded with toxins, it can become sluggish.
Turmeric works with your body’s natural digestive and detoxification systems to “ungunk” your liver and keep it — and you — humming along.
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