1. Cashew nuts are not nuts, they are legumes. Hence, they are not paleo.
2. In the above table, note that cashews are very high in omega 6. They could cause imbalance in omega 6: omega 3 ratio,
3. Ideal omega 6: omega 3 ratio is about 2 or less. However, cashews have the highest ratio at 125.
4. All other nuts also have high omega 6 : 3 ratio
5. Walnuts, although they have reasonable omega 6: 3 ratio, the absolute amount of omega 6 is very high
6. Both omega 6 and omega 3 are polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs)
Source: http://www.paleoflip.com/nuts-which-ones-to-eat-and-which-ones-to-avoid/
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