Saturday, 24 October 2020

Ear piercing - the first ear - right ear pierced for men and left for women


Ear piercing is not specific to a particular gender but it quite common among both the male and females in India. Usually for a girl child the first ear pierced is the left ear whereas for a boy child the first ear pierced is the right. The people believe that by means of doing this it helps in opening of the inner ears of the child so as to receive the sacred sounds. The ear piercing ritual has more of spiritual fascination and emblematic significance. The people believe that by hearing these sacred sounds or the mantras which helps in flushing our sin and caring and protecting our spirit.

In Indian culture ear piercing is one of the traditional thing and the Indians obey their Culture and tradition . Behind the tradition and culture science plays important role. The scientific reason for ear piercing is by piercing baby’s ear they believe it will prevent from disease like hernia because the ears having the Acupuncture points.

In south India this is the one of the rituals and they celebrate as a ceremony in baby’s childhoods .But something failures occur in the name of Myths about the rituals.

Piercing the ears has a great importance in Indian ethos. Indian physicians and philosophers believe that piercing the ears helps in the development of intellect, power of thinking and decision making faculties. Talkativeness fritters away life energy. Ear piercing helps in speech-restraint. It helps to reduce impertinent behaviour and the ear-channels become free from disorders. This idea appeals to the Western world as well, and so they are getting their ears pierced to wear fancy earrings as a mark of fashion.

To prevent worms entering the ear of children.

In olden days, most of the people used to put their babies to sleep on a carpet or bedsheet on the ground. And in olden days, there used to be many worms moving inside homes. So, there was a good chance of such worms entering the ears of the babies. If ears are pierced with ear-rings, it would prevent worms from entering the ears.

This is one reason I know. Also, some other answers mentioned that it improves intelligence or it is acupuncture point. That also might be true.

Not hindu family obey this all “Shodasha Samskaras”. कर्णवेध or Karnavedha is a Vedic rite of passage in “Sanatani” Family. Yes, on our guru instruction my both ears are pierced.

When I think of ear piercing I don't think of science! I think of jewelry, or my son bitching at me because my holes are too big. I'm stretching my ears! But, you are correct, it turns out that ear piercing is in fact a science. Quite an old science as a matter of fact.

"Karnavedha, or the ear-piercing ceremony, is a Hindu tradition that is being followed since ages. According to scriptures, this ceremony can be conducted on the child’s 10th, 12th or 16th day after its birth or it must be performed on the odd years of the child, like the 3rd year or the 7th year. This is one of the most important rituals in Hinduism and although it has a scientific basis behind it, it has been covered up with a religious excuse and been made compulsory for Hindus.

It is believed that the right ear of the boy child should be bored first and when it comes to a girl, her left ear must be bored first. The child should be made to sit on its father’s lap and must be made to face the east. The ceremony must happen in the first half of the day and can end in a feast.

Susruta, the great Indian surgeon, advocates ear-piercing by saying that it prevents diseases like hernia and hydrocele. It is also believed that ear-piercing regulates the menstrual cycle in girls and prevents hysteria and other diseases. The flow of current in the human body is maintained by wearing earrings.

It is believed that one can use a gold, silver or iron needle to pierce the ears. If the ear of a prince has to be pierced, the needle can be made of gold, if the ear of a Brahmin or a Vysha has to be pierced, the needle can be made of silver and if the ear of a Shudra has to be pierced, the needle can be made of iron. Although it seems discriminatory, this idea was conceived mainly because of the economic situations of these castes. However, the Smriti Maharnava says that a copper needle can be used for any child.

While Susruta advocates the use of a surgeon to pierce the ears of the child, it is usually done by a goldsmith. Priests usually chant holy mantras in the child’s ears before the actual piercing is done and once the piercing is done, a thin wire is inserted in the holes to prevent them from closing.

While many Hindu rituals are just ignored as superstitions, one has to delve deeply to understand the science involved behind prescribing every ritual rather than blindly follow it because it is a sin to do so otherwise."

While there may be religious or acupuncture theory that suggests there’s a scientific reason to pierce the ears, the Western/European habit evolved from primitive medicine in the days of very poor hygiene.

When an ear was pierced it would, quite naturally, become infected. Due to a complete lack of understanding, it was thought that the oozing pus was pressure being relieved from the eyeball*. So that this treatment remained “effective”, a crude piece of string was threaded through the hole ensuring that re-infection would continue to occur. This gradually evolved from a piece of string into a metal ring that could be rotated (what we now call a “sleeper”).
* There is 
some evidence that acupressure or acupuncture at the correct point on the ear can be beneficial to eyesight.

As hygiene improved and there was less infection of the ear-piercing, it had become so standard that people did it routinely with no understanding of the origin*. I’ve no idea of when it became unfashionable for men, but it became part of female fashion and further jewellery that relied on the piercing became more popular.
* Until the stud-gun was invented in the 70s or 80s, 
proper ear-piercing was done by doctors.

In fact, if you want to wear an entire chandelier from your ear, it is better to use a clip-on rather than a hanging hook—many people end up with long slits instead of just holes because of the weight that is regularly worn.

Yes, Ear piercing has a lot of medical benefits of which we are unaware. In our society, majority of people thinks ear piercing is a mandate for a girl because it will help in enhancing beauty but we were never told about the other benefits which are also helpful for men as well.

Here are 12 benefits you should know about ear piercing :-

  1. Reproductive Health - Certain points located on the lobes of the ears helps in maintaining the reproductive health of the individual.
  2. Brain Health - It is seen that young children are pierced at very young age because they have a soft skin and it will pain less as compared when we do it after a certain age, this is not the only reason behind this early age piercing. The meridian points located on the lobes of the ears connect the left hemisphere of the brain to the right, these areas are activated due to piercing.
  3. Memory - Ear piercing enhances the memory of the individuals.
  4. Energy - Ear piercing helps to maintain the flow of energy in the body i.e the reason why both males and females get it pierced .
  5. Relief from Pain - wearing an earing in left ear can relieve woman of pain to a large extent.
  6. Digestive system - Ear piercing stimulates hunger .
  7. Female Vitality - Left side of the body is related to the vitality of the female reproductive organ. So getting left ear pierced promotes overall vitality of the body.
  8. Eyesight - The center of the ears has a direct connection with vision of the eyes, the pressure points directly benefits the eyes by good vision.
  9. Relief in child-birth - Left ear piercing reduces the pain and makes the process easier.
  10. Menstrual Pain - Ear piercing helps in reducing the pain to a certain extent and i.e the reason behind the ear piercing a mandate for girl child in our society.
  11. Immunity - the middle area of the ear influences the level of immunity of the body.
  12. Sperm generation - In many communities males get their ear pierced not just for fashion but it has medical benefits. Ear piercing helps in generating more sperm.


Images - Google

13 Never Knew Benefits of Ear Piercing

Daith piercings are supposed to be able to help with migraines because it’s a pressure point. However there isn’t any irrefutable evidence to show that it will definitely help, for some people it works for others it doesn’t.

Nope. Not allowed. One earring is dangerous enough. The male hormone, testosterone is actually stored in cartilage and soft tissues of the human ears. Piercing just one earlobe puts your testosterone levels dangerously low. Two ears pierced, the more likely that all of your testosterone will slowly drip out. Most men with two ears pierced, two holes in their ears, cannot perform sexually and loose a lot of their brute strength. Worse case scenario is that the low levels of testosterone will cause your penis and scrotum to retract, giving you more of a vagina in appearance. Please don't take such a careless risk!!!

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Death by diet: How risky is keto? Actor Misti Mukherjee's unfortunate demise raises questions on the health risks of dieting

 By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Updated: October 4, 2020 5:30:49 pm

While dieting is a common practice these days, death due to a certain kind of diet was previously unheard of. Until it was learnt that actor Misti Mukherjee’s demise was because of kidney failure caused by the ‘keto diet’ — which has gained a lot of popularity in the recent past.

A statement made by her family claims the actor — who is survived by her parents and brother — “was in a lot of pain”.

Mukherjee’s passing raises a series of questions on the health risks of dieting. As such, it becomes important to understand the reasons that may have led to her health deterioration and subsequent death.

What is the keto diet? 

It entails the consumption of high amounts of fat with adequate amounts of protein and fewer carbohydrates. Also known as KD, this diet is particularly followed by diabetics because it can cause massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Nutritionist Ruchi Sharma, however, points out the keto diet is “primarily used to help reduce seizures in children’s suffering from epilepsy”. “Avoiding carbs and substituting it with proteins and fats has become a leading dogma among those who are looking to lose weight quickly,” she says. 

How does a keto diet lead to kidney failure?

Dr Pradip Shah, Consultant Physician at Fortis Hospital, Mulund tells “This is a rare case and usually happens when there is a pre-existing disease and someone then continues to follow the diet. Keto diet requires one to eat high amounts of fat alongside proteins and fewer carbohydrates. When a person continues to do this, it affects the kidneys.”

Adding to it, Sharma says: “We see people doing keto with processed cheese and butter, which when done for prolonged periods of time, can increase the risk of high cholesterol; also high protein can put pressure on kidneys. When we eat a high amount of protein while doing a keto it may overload the kidney.”

Drastically reducing carbohydrates and overloading the kidneys can lead to some problem in elimination of all the waste products of protein metabolism.

Dr Shah suggests a person should follow the diet only for six months. If they continue, they need to take a break for 1-2 months at least, and then get on with the same.

Are there any other diets that can lead to organ failure?

Dr Shah says any diet which contains consuming fewer carbohydrates for a longer period of time can cause failure. “However, another specific diet is the ‘paleo diet’ also known as the ‘stone-age diet’. It is a modern fad diet which requires one to mirror the kind of diet followed during the Paleolithic era.”

He also mentions that “consuming sugary beverages such as aerated drinks or soft drinks and highly-processed food frequently, can harm the kidneys”. Not only that, preservatives in food items contain phosphorous and sodium, which affect the kidney to a larger extent, he warns.

While many different diseases, toxins and drugs can lead to renal failures, by far the most common causes of kidney diseases are diabetes and high blood pressure which can damage the delicate blood vessels and tissues of the kidneys. “When these two are not addressed, chronic kidney disease — and ultimately kidney failure — can be the result,” says Sharma. 

She suggests rather than following a keto diet, we can opt for a well-formulated low-carb diet, which is not typically high in protein and can help in reducing as well as maintaining weight loss. 

“Choose foods that are healthy for your heart and your entire body — such as fresh fruits, a rainbow of vegetables, whole grains, low fat or fat-free dairy products. Make physical activity a part of your routine, as sweating helps in removing toxins as well,” says the nutritionist.