Thursday, 26 July 2018

Alzheimer's probable causes and diagnostics

Thank you Bill for your effort towards making a World without Alzheimer's that much closer. I have lost 10 family members to this terrible disease and my oldest brother has early onset. This has now become my passion. People do not understand just how devastating it is is- until it hits their family!

My note: If 10 member of a family have this terrible disease, is it due to heredity? 

Lost my mom, maternal aunt and maternal grandmother to this devastating disease - more research is needed!

My note: Shows that Alzheimer's is clearly a heredity disease. 

Dear Bill Gates, this sick is really terrible. Unfortunately I´ve already had two deads in my family.


Probable causes 

Is mitochondria dis-function part of the research? Would be interesting to understand if Alzheimer's is researched as the root cause or a symptom.

Viruses. Herpes, HPV, MSV... Are the causes to that And Also To autism....

Alzheimer has something in common with some forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). It's a simple Virus involved called "HERPES" (HHV) also HHV infection can change the way how DNA is read. Body will fight against the Virus and damage his own nervs and brain... Brain damage is the major contributors on Alzheimer, MS and some more disease's. If you go to any doctor or scintist and ask " do you have cure on any Virus infection" the answer is "No" but human body can fight any virus and it's simple by diffrent strategies of immun cells (protein's) and reductions by oxidation. Any of us has HHV contact in his live so simple blood test on that will be positive - and if you found a kind of test still the problem is - do you have any cure on HHV infections? " so far answer is "NO"... so Thank you Bill and Melinda to support Research but cure is far away due to no one understand so far how to fight Viruses effectively - there is a simple fighter discribed by MD Frederick Robert Klennerat already decades ago in the past that even can cure Herpes encephalitis... not know today and not used in medicin... check out his research and also Alzheimer and many Virus issues will be able to be have chance to be cured...

One very overlooked area is B12 deficiency. I strongly believe that a lot of Alzheimers and dementia patients are initially only suffering from B12 deficiency and that it could be treated simple and cheaply with regular B12 shots. The most common symptoms of B12 deficiency is memory problems. Why this avenue is not investigated as the norm initially, when Alzheimers or dementia is suspected, is beyond me. It could save a lot of unnecessary suffering and death.

My spouse is inflicted with Alzheimer's. He was a brilliant PhD scientist, and spent his life eating a low-fat diet and exercising. He also supplemented his diet with vitamins to prevent cognitive decline.  I hope a cure is found. It is a brutal disease to watch, and is very costly financially and emotionally for the entire family. 

Have you researched link to Lyme disease?


Evidence Mounts That Germs May Cause Alzheimer's

In the end it will be microbes—bacteria, viruses and fungus—found to be at the root of all disease and aging, and specifically Alzheimer’s, contends geneticist Dr. Rudolph “Rudy” Emile Tanzi.

“The two biggest threats to healthy aging have had to do with dealing with infection,” said Tanzi, who specializes in Alzheimer’s and the brain at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School.  “Think about it. When we increased the lifespan from 35 to 50, it was by covering the sewers. When we increased the lifespan from 50 to 75, it was with the use of antibiotics. Now we are looking for viruses in all of the major life-threatening diseases of our time—Alzheimer’s, cancer, Parkinson’s—and guess what? Infection is now cropping up in all of them.”


Probable Diagnostic tools

I read a couple of articles about new tests that can detect early signs of Alzheimers up to 30 years in advance through a blood test or retina scan. Also, Australia seems to be using focused therapeutic ultrasounds which restored memory function in 75% of rats. What are your thoughts? Are these new tests revolutionary breakthroughs, or will people be too afraid to know if there's no sure cure?

Yes! And I also think machine learning and AI can contribute greatly to improving diagnostics for these CNS diseases. It will be exciting to see this story unfold! Keep up the amazing work Bill!

One very overlooked area is B12 deficiency. I strongly believe that a lot of Alzheimers and dementia patients are initially only suffering from B12 deficiency and that it could be treated simple and cheaply with regular B12 shots. The most common symptoms of B12 deficiency is memory problems. Why this avenue is not investigated as the norm initially, when Alzheimers or dementia is suspected, is beyond me. It could save a lot of unnecessary suffering and death.